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Letter Of Recommendation


Shirley & Bill Resnick

Dear Jeff,

Recent events impel me to take pen in hand, so to speak, to commend you and your fine staff for a truly professional job well done. The events I refer to are (1) your assumption of the responsibility to sell our house in Mirasol and (2) the immediate response you generated in the market among potential buyers. This was particularly impressive in view of the time of year we put the house up for sale in July, when a substantial number of the populace had already departed for summer destinations. As it turned out, however, three genuine offers to purchase the house were received within the first two weeks, one of which came from the eventual buyer.

I would be remiss if I were to fail to comment on your team. They demonstrate the virtue of transparent interaction, a feat they seem to accomplish easily with great success. They are personable, pleasant and a delight to work with. We congratulate you on putting together a winning team.

Thank you, Jeff, for looking after our interests. No one else could have done it better.

Shirley & Bill Resnick

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